Tag Archives: Bodyweight Training

TRX Baseball

Time Efficient TRX Baseball Workout

TRX for BaseballSo you have been rocking your baseball off-season training program, but your calendar just filled up with other commitments later this week and you are not sure how you are going to get your 3rd training session in.

Break out your TRX Suspension Trainer and you can get your training done effectively and efficiently.

With its portability and versatility, you can incorporate a multitude of bodyweight exercises and perform them one after the other so you can challenge your strength and your cardiovascular conditioning at the same time.  But let’s not get too detailed on the piece of equipment itself (you can do that here).

Let’s get right down to the sample TRX baseball workout so you can make the most of your busy schedule.

Sample TRX Baseball Workout

If you have the time, make sure you start with some soft tissue work that includes a foam roller or the tools in this Trigger Point Starter Set.  Here’s what you need to hit.

  • Glutes – 1 x 60 seconds each side
  • IT Band – 1 x 60 seconds each side
  • Quads – 1 x 60 seconds each side
  • Groin – 1 x 60 seconds each side
  • Hip Flexor/TFL – 1 x 60 seconds each side
  • Mid/Upper Back – 1 x 60 seconds each side

Next, make sure you get your dynamic warm-up in.  You don’t need any equipment for this, but to make it fun, we’ll use the TRX for some of the following movements to get your heart rate up and your muscles prepared for the tougher TRX movements.

Complete the following movements one after the other with minimal rest.  Complete the cycle 2-3 times.

  • TRX Basic Squat – 15 reps
  • Reverse Lunge and Twist in place – 5 reps each side
  • TRX Row – 15 reps
  • World’s Greatest Stretch in place – 5 reps each side
  • Reverse Inch Worms – 5 reps
  • TRX Lateral Lunge – 5 reps each side

Okay, now for the meat of the training – your time efficient TRX baseball workout.  We are going to create two separate circuits of 4 exercises.  After each set, rest for 1 minute and then repeat the circuit.  When you have completed all sets on the first circuit, move to the second circuit.

Depending on your time restraints, shoot for 2-3 sets of each circuit.

Circuit One

  • TRX Squat Jump x 10
  • TRX Push-up x 10
  • TRX 1-leg Lunge x 10 each
  • TRX W’s x 10

Circuit Two

  • TRX 1-leg Squat x 8 each leg
  • TRX Torso Rotation x 10 each side
  • TRX T’s x 12
  • TRX Body Saw x 12

Again, if you have the time, make sure you finish up with some quality soft tissue work.  If you perform your soft tissue work directly after the above circuits, then reserve some time later in the day or before you go to bed to roll out any tightness or knots you may have.  Hop on that foam roller and get after it.Foam Rolling for Baseball

  • Glutes – 1 x 60 seconds each side
  • IT Band – 1 x 60 seconds each side
  • Quads – 1 x 60 seconds each side
  • Groin – 1 x 60 seconds each side
  • Hip Flexor/TFL – 1 x 60 seconds each side
  • Mid/Upper Back – 1 x 60 seconds each side

Get Back to Basics in Your Next Training Session

Remember, this is a fill-in workout because you are pressed for time.  Do not make this a staple of every training session.  You need to make sure you are still including medicine ball work, deadlifts, squats, and baseball-specific conditioning on a regular basis.  Incorporate this TRX baseball workout when you truly do not have the time to complete your programmed training.

Good luck!

TRX Baseball

TRX for Baseball

TRX for BaseballMany athletes are beginning to include more bodyweight training into their strength and conditioning programs. Baseball players are no exception, and the TRX Suspension Trainer is one of the tools baseball players and strength coaches are using to incorporate bodyweight training.

Baseball is a sport that requires strength, mobility, and the ability to rotate powerfully. Baseball players definitely need to lift heavy weights during the off-season, but utilizing a piece of equipment like the TRX can help incorporate bodyweight exercises as well. Some of the TRX movements used by baseball players can also help reduce the risk of injury.

Depending on the time of year (off-season, in-season, pre-season), the type of athlete, or the training program itself, a baseball training program can include various TRX exercises. In some rare cases, baseball players can even perform an entire baseball workout with just the TRX.


The TRX is lightweight, portable, and easy to set up. It also fits into its own carrying bag, so ballplayers who own one can take it with them anywhere. This gives ballplayers the ability to maximize their training time with full body, efficient workouts wherever they are – in the gym, on the field, or even when on the road for those travel teams, college players, and pro athletes.


Whatever level of the game you play, the TRX can adapt for any level of baseball fitness. Baseball players can train in three planes of motion with the TRX, allowing various muscle groups to work together to build muscle strength and core stability – not to mention flexibility and balance.

There are literally hundreds of exercises that can be performed on the TRX. Once younger athletes learn and master the more basic movements, they can try more advanced movements or combine different TRX exercises to create challenging movements that can be included in a baseball training program. For baseball players, the greatest benefit of the TRX comes with incorporating mostly back, core, and posterior chain exercises.

Put a TRX in Your Baseball Bag

Now don’t go thinking that the TRX is the end-all-be-all for baseball strength training. Baseball players still need to lift heavy weights, throw medicine balls, and push sleds. However, the TRX can be effectively included in a well-designed baseball training program. To learn more about the TRX and how it can benefit you, check out the TRX Training website.