If today is a game day for you, complete this workout post-game or tomorrow. Position players with a game scheduled for tomorrow, can still complete this workout today. Starting pitchers scheduled to pitch tomorrow can save this workout for tomorrow post-game or the day after their start.
Coaches, if you need direction in making this in-season baseball workout work for you team’s needs, please feel free to connect with me at any time.
Overall Goals for In-Season Training – Maintain strength, speed, and power from off-season and pre-season workouts; maintain flexibility; maximize recovery between practices and games
Soft Tissue Work
- Glutes
- IT Band
- Quads
- Groin
Complete one set of each exercise back-to-back until one set of each movement is complete. Then, return to the start and complete any movements with additional sets. Minimal rest between exercises.
- 1-leg Glute Bridge – 2 x 8 reps each leg
- Throwing Deceleration with Band – 2 x 8 each
- 90/90 Stretch – 2 x 5 each
- No Money Drill on Foam Roller – 2 x 10
Dynamic Warm-up
Set up a space with 10 yards to move through the following warm-up. Complete a movement for the given distance and jog back to the start line to complete the next movement.
- Walking Lunge – 10 yards
- Quad Stretch with Toe Touch – 10 yards
- World’s Greatest – 10 yards
- Inch Worm – 10 yards
- Lateral Lunge – 10 yards each direction
Complete the following movements in order. Exercises grouped together should be completed in a superset fashion – back-to-back with minimal rest, taking a longer rest after the second exercise is complete. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets.
- 45 Degree Lateral Bound – 3 x 4 each leg (stick and hold each landing)
- Rotational MB Slam – 3 x 6 (3 each side)
- Front Squat
- For athletes with DB’s – 3 x 8
- For athletes with barbell – 3 x 5
- 1-Arm Alternating DB Bench Press – 2 x 6 each (12 reps total per set)
- DB (or BB) RDL – 3 x 6
- Band Pull Apart – 2 x 8
- Pallof Press – 2 x 4 reps each side; 5 second hold each rep
Soft Tissue Work
- Hip Flexor
- IT Band
- Mid/Upper Back
- Hamstrings
- Groin
- Piriformis Stretch
- Sleeper Stretch
*Need a substitution for an exercise? Feel free to reach out here to let me know how I can help.